Evaluation Horizon2020 and Erasmus+ seminar
By Isabelle Delariviere In Geen categorieCOHEHRE Academy together with Metropolia UAS organized a two day Horizon 2020 & Erasmus + seminar in Helsinki during 6-7.10.2016. This seminar was organized based on the seminars in 2014 and 2015, and the feedback provided by the participants in those seminars. In total, 16 people from 5 different countries participated in the seminar to work on the project proposals and to promote networking in COHEHRE.
Facilitators in the seminar were Kris Thienpont from Artevelde University College (Horizon 2020) and Christopher Collins (Erasmus +) from the University of the West of Scotland.
According to the feedback by the participants, the seminar was excellent with a good atmosphere, people made good contacts in the network and the facilitators were professional and enthusiastic. The participants were engaged in the activities and took a lot from the seminar. The Capacity Building sessions were mainly introductory as most of the participants had no experience of it. In the H2020 group, participants managed to deal with most aspects of applying for funding and covered lots of items.