Nature and Adventure Promoting Well-being -course
By Isabelle Delariviere InFinland
General outline of the workshop
How could we empower our clients to gain meaningful experiences supporting wellbeing?
What is the importance of knowing myself as a reflective practitioner?
Where can I find tools understanding deeper and being able to use possibilities of our environment?
Nature and Adventure Promoting Wellbeing is a course for all students of social and health care interested about empowering experiences supporting wellbeing. During the course you will gain new professional competencies, but also learn a lot of yourself, your own values and relation towards nature and natural environment.
The course consist of pretasks during the summer 2018 and an intensive phase in Finland during the last week of September 2018.
Independent pretask (1ECTS) is open from August 15th
Intensive course in Finland (2ECTS)
Sept 24-26th working in the city
Sept 26-30th in the middle of no-where
Sept 23rd and Oct 1st : travelling days
More info:
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