Stresscoping of undergraduate nursing students during the first corona wave

Not only nurses and staff but also undergraduate nursing students were ambushed by the first corona wave. The Job Demands-Resources model gives some handhold how to deal with all the job demands and job resources during their internships. How did students adapt to this new reality? The question was whether students were able to use sufficient energy sources during this crisis to advance in their personal and professional development, what coping strategies they used and whether this first wave had influenced their perception of the profession.

Marian Adriaansen, HAN University of Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor Innovation in the Care
Marlies van Bemmel, HAN University of Applied Sciences, MSc, lecturer/researcher
Henk Poppen, HAN University of Applied Sciences, MSc, lecturer/researcher

Date and time
Thursday April 29, 2021 at 16.30-17:30 CET

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